
Is Las Vegas a Destination for Plastic Surgery Tourism? Dr. Pancholi Weighs In

The world of cosmetic surgery is rapidly changing. Social stigmas have gone by the wayside, and patients are willing to do whatever ensures they’ll receive the best care—including literally going the distance and traveling to another state or country.

Thus it’s no surprise more people than ever are heading to Vegas to get enviable curves or a more youthful look; in fact, Las Vegas has long been a prime cosmetic surgery destination for those in-the-know. The Las Vegas Review Journal recently interviewed our very own Dr. Pancholi and other medical professionals about the impact Las Vegas medical tourism is having on their practices.

Why Las Vegas?

You might think that the many indulgences and attractions the city has to offer are the main attraction for medical tourism, but, in truth, most patients are simply seeking the most skilled doctors and the best care.

People travel to Vegas for our excellent health care providers, particularly when it comes to cosmetic medicine. Why is Vegas so special in this respect? The city has long been known for glitz and glamor, and entertainers, as well as their audiences, want to look fantastic. Long-time local demand has attracted many of the best providers to our market, and standards for care—and results—are high.

Plus, as the saying goes, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas: if a patient wants to keep their procedure under wraps, medical tourism is a great way to recover in privacy and return home bandage-free.

“People want to come to Las Vegas and they want to have an experience. It does keep all of the surgeons here on their toes.” — Dr. Samir Pancholi

While excellent medical care is the primary attraction, it must be admitted that our predictably excellent weather, luxury accommodations, great dining, and many entertainment options for partners accompanying the patient make Las Vegas the perfect place for surgery, recovery, and a little fun.

Choosing your Las Vegas cosmetic surgeon

Ultimately, the where of your cosmetic surgery experience should be secondary to the who—and choosing an experienced, qualified cosmetic surgeon will be the most important decision you make.

Whether Las Vegas is your dream location or you are just hoping to work with one of the best nationwide, we encourage you to contact us. Dr. Pancholi will be happy to meet with you in person or schedule a virtual consultation. Be sure to check out our out-of-town-patient guide for more details about traveling to Vegas for cosmetic surgery and how we work with you to ensure your travels and experience are stellar.

Read the full Las Vegas Review article here.


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