Chin Implants in Las Vegas

How chin enhancement can help

If you have a weak or recessed chin, getting a chin implant is a certain way to add definition to your jawline. But did you know enhancing your chin can improve your facial appearance in many other ways?


Chin implants can help achieve the following aesthetic benefits:

  • Achieve more balanced facial proportions
  • Help the nose appear less prominent
  • Or, enhance the results of nose reshaping surgery
  • Create a more graceful neck line and profile
  • Help your neck look more slender or reduce the appearance of a double chin

About chin implant surgery in Las Vegas

In the hands of an experienced cosmetic surgeon, chin enhancement surgery is typically straightforward. A soft, tapered silicone chin implant is placed around the jaw bone through a single incision that is hidden in the chin crease. Recovery is quick and within days, you will be ready to face the world with your new, more refined chin—and with greater confidence in your appearance.

This outpatient procedure takes less than an hour. Although there is the option of placing the incision inside the mouth, Dr. Pancholi prefers the incision outside the mouth to avoid the potential for infection from saliva and also to minimize trauma and damage to the delicate lower lip and chin muscles. Once the implant is placed, it is secured to the surrounding bone and tissues to minimize potential for movement.

Dr. Pancholi performs chin augmentation surgery in a fully accredited surgery suite for your safety, comfort and privacy. Unless you are having another procedure at the same time, you should be able to resume most normal activities within a week of your procedure, and post-operative bruising and swelling will be mostly gone after a couple of weeks.

  • Improved Facial Proportions: Chin implants can create a more balanced and harmonious facial profile, enhancing overall facial aesthetics.
  • Enhanced Jawline Definition: The procedure can result in a stronger and more defined jawline, contributing to a more attractive appearance.
  • Increased Self-Confidence: Many individuals experience a significant boost in self-esteem and body image after receiving chin implants, particularly if they were self-conscious about their chin area previously.
  • Correction of a Weak or Receding Chin: Implants are effective in correcting a weak or receding chin, which can dramatically change one’s facial profile.
  • Complement to Other Facial Surgeries: Chin implants can complement other facial surgeries, such as rhinoplasty, to achieve a more comprehensive facial enhancement.
  • Permanent Solution: Unlike temporary fillers, chin implants provide a permanent solution to achieving the desired chin shape and size.
  • Customizable to Individual Needs: Implants come in various shapes and sizes and can be customized to fit the individual’s facial structure and aesthetic goals.
  • Improved Facial Symmetry: The procedure can enhance facial symmetry, especially in profiles where the chin may appear disproportionate to other features.
  • Natural-Looking Results: When performed by skilled surgeons, chin implants can look and feel natural, blending seamlessly with the facial structure.
  • Minimally Visible Scarring: Incisions for chin implant surgery are typically small and strategically placed to minimize visible scarring.
  • Anesthesia: Medications used to prevent pain during surgery, which can be either general (inducing unconsciousness) or local (numbing a specific area).
  • Chin Augmentation: A cosmetic procedure aimed at enhancing the size and shape of the chin, often achieved through the use of chin implants.
  • Chin Implant: A synthetic material, often made of silicone, used to enhance the size and shape of the chin in cosmetic surgery.
  • Facial Balance: The aesthetic harmony of facial features, including the chin, nose, and forehead. Chin implants can help achieve better facial balance.
  • Genioplasty: A surgical procedure to alter the chin bone, which can be combined with or an alternative to chin implants.
  • Implant Insertion: The surgical process of placing a chin implant through incisions, typically under the chin or inside the mouth.
  • Incision Site: The location where surgical cuts are made for the insertion of a chin implant. Common sites include under the chin or inside the mouth.
  • Mentoplasty: Another term for chin augmentation, either through implants or surgical modification of the chin bone.
  • Proportion: In facial aesthetics, the balance and relative size of facial features. Chin implants can help achieve more desirable facial proportions.
  • Recovery Period: The time it takes for a patient to heal postoperatively, during which activities may be restricted, and swelling and bruising subside.
  • Silicone Implants: A type of chin implant made from silicone, popular for its compatibility with body tissues and natural feel.
  • Submental Area: The area beneath the chin, which can be aesthetically enhanced through chin augmentation.

Will anyone be able to tell I have a chin implant?

Chin implants are available in a range of sizes and shapes to achieve a result that integrates seamlessly with your existing facial anatomy, and an experienced, qualified cosmetic surgeon will ensure that the only thing others notice about you after your procedure is how great you look—not what you had done.

A diplomate of both the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and the American Osteopathic Board of Otolaryngology-Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Pancholi has an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy in addition to an expert eye for aesthetic harmony. He will help you choose the right chin implant to refine your facial features while ensuring that you still look like you, with some positive changes.

Learn more about Dr. Pancholi’s training & credentials

Enhancing the chin with fillers

For those interested in “trying out” a more defined or projected chin, yet not quite ready or interested in surgery, a temporary in-office option may be the answer. Facial fillers can be used to increase the projection of the chin as well as define the jawline. Multiple types of fillers can be used, ranging from those that can be dissolved and last up to 2 years, and others that can’t be dissolved and last up to 5 years.

Coming in for a facial evaluation with Dr. Pancholi will help you learn what results you might expect with fillers and decide if this is the right option for you to get a stronger, more attractive jawline.

Chin augmentation enhances other facial procedures

If you are considering nose reshaping, neck contouring, or even a facelift, consider the benefits of adding a chin implant during the same surgery: enhancing the chin can put the finishing touches on these more involved procedures without adding to your recovery time, and often without any additional incisions. Dr. Pancholi will be happy to discuss your options and help you visualize what’s possible during your consultation.

Learn more at a consultation

You’re already beautiful—and you deserve to love what you see in the mirror. If you think chin enhancement might help you achieve your goals, we can help. Call 702-363-0240 or contact us using the form below to get started at a consultation.

References »

Newberry CI, Mobley SR. Chin Augmentation Using Silastic Implants. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2019 Apr;35(2):149-157. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1683867.

Beer K, Kaufman-Janette J, Bank D, Biesman B, Dayan S, Kim W, Chawla S, Schumacher A. Safe and Effective Chin Augmentation With the Hyaluronic Acid Injectable Filler, VYC-20L. Dermatologic Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;47(1):80-85. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002795. 

Moradi A, Shirazi A, David R. Nonsurgical Chin and Jawline Augmentation Using Calcium Hydroxylapatite and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2019 Apr;35(2):140-148. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1683854. 

Sykes JM, Suárez GA. Chin Advancement, Augmentation, and Reduction as Adjuncts to Rhinoplasty. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2016 Jan;43(1):295-306. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2015.09.021.

Harris WC, Raggio BS. Facial Chin Augmentation. 2022.

Oranges CM, Grufman V, di Summa PG, Fritsche E, Kalbermatten DF. Chin Augmentation Techniques: A Systematic Review. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2023 May 1;151(5):758e-771e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010079. 

Fanous N, Yoskovitch A. Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2003 Fall;11(3):161-5. doi: 10.1177/229255030301100305. 

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