Las Vegas Chin Implants for Men

It’s well known that a man with strong, masculine facial features has a certain dignified appeal. One of the most important elements that factor into this appeal is a well-defined chin and jawline. Some men are born with it, others choose chin augmentation surgery to achieve it.

A surprisingly simple procedure, chin augmentation involves placing a custom-fit implant around the jaw bone through a tiny, hidden incision to add structure to a weak or recessed chin.

  • Improved Facial Proportion: Chin augmentation can bring balance and proportion to the facial features, particularly in profiles where the chin may appear receded or underdeveloped.
  • Enhanced Jawline Definition: The procedure can create a more defined and masculine jawline, which is often associated with attractiveness and strength in male aesthetics.
  • Improved Profile View: A well-proportioned chin can significantly enhance the side view of the face, often making it look more sculpted and assertive.
  • Complementing Other Facial Features: A stronger chin can highlight and complement other facial features, like the eyes and nose.
  • Potential for Non-Surgical Options: For those seeking less invasive options, dermal fillers can be used for temporary chin enhancement.
  • Anesthesia – Medication used to prevent pain during surgery. It can be general (rendering the patient unconscious) or local (numbing a specific area).
  • Chin Augmentation (Mentoplasty) – A surgical procedure to enhance the size and shape of the chin, often using implants or by reshaping the chin bone.
  • Chin Filler Injections – Non-surgical procedure using injectable dermal fillers to temporarily enhance the shape and size of the chin.
  • Chin Implant – A synthetic material surgically placed over the chin bone to enhance the size and shape of the chin in augmentation procedures.
  • Genioplasty – A type of chin surgery that involves cutting and repositioning the chin bone, often used for more significant chin reshaping.
  • Implant Sizes and Shapes – Refers to the variety of chin implant options available, which can be selected based on the desired outcome and individual facial anatomy.
  • Incision Site – The location where surgical cuts are made for chin augmentation, typically under the chin or inside the mouth.
  • Jawline Definition – Refers to the contour and shape of the lower jaw, which can be enhanced or altered through chin augmentation.
  • Male Aesthetics – Refers to cosmetic procedures, like chin augmentation, tailored specifically for male patients, focusing on maintaining or enhancing masculine facial features.
  • Mentalis Muscle – The muscle associated with the lower lip and chin, which may be manipulated during chin augmentation.
  • Recovery Period – The time required after surgery for healing, including the reduction of swelling and bruising.
  • Submental Liposuction – A procedure to remove excess fat from under the chin, sometimes performed in conjunction with chin augmentation to enhance results.
  • Weak Chin – A term used to describe a chin that is less prominent or recedes in relation to the rest of the facial features. Chin augmentation can help to create a more balanced and defined facial profile.

It’s about more than just the chin…

A chin implant can do wonders to improve the overall profile of a man’s face, including:

  • Add structure and definition to the jawline
  • Bring an over-prominent nose into better proportion
  • Reduce the appearance of a double chin
  • Provide a more square, masculine shape to the face

Trust your appearance to an experienced facial cosmetic surgeon

Men have unique needs for facial cosmetic surgery—not only is a natural, masculine result of utmost importance, but the thicker skin and heavier bone structure of a man’s face requires a specific surgical approach to ensure a lasting, naturally appealing outcome.

Certified in both facial plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, Dr. Samir Pancholi has over a decade of experience helping men improve their appearance and self-confidence through subtle changes to their facial profile. He will help you select a chin implant to enhance your natural features and add to your masculine appeal, while ensuring you still look like you.

Read about Dr. Pancholi’s training & credentials

What to expect with male chin augmentation in Las Vegas

You will begin with a private consultation with Dr. Pancholi to discuss your concerns and goals and go over your options for chin augmentation. You can also look at chin implants and consider whether you want to combine chin augmentation with rhinoplasty or another procedure.

Dr. Pancholi performs chin augmentation as an outpatient procedure at a fully accredited surgical facility. General anesthesia is administered by a board certified anesthesiologist for your safety and comfort. Through a tiny incision located beneath your chin, Dr. Pancholi will place your selected chin implant.

Following surgery, you can go home to recover. Most patients return to work and normal activities within a few days after the dressing is removed—typically within a week after surgery. Chin implants are made from soft, pliable bio-compatible silicone that feels natural and is intended to last a lifetime.

Want more dramatic improvements? Combining procedures is a popular way to go.

While a chin augmentation alone can achieve significant improvements in facial structure and balance, many men also choose to undergo rhinoplasty, neck liposuction or even facelift surgery at the same time as chin augmentation to further refine their features and achieve a more lasting, dramatic results.

Video transcript

“One other common procedure that we see men quite a bit for is rhinoplasties and chin enhancements. When we look at this, one of the big things that we see with men is the importance of a strong chin. If you look at leaders, CEOs, presidents, what do they all have in common? They have strong chins. So, for men looking to gain a little bit more confidence in themselves, we want to assess your overall facial balance and provide you with that strong chin.

Often, this is combined with a genetic feature like a bump on your nose. Getting rid of that bump on your nose and enhancing your chin can truly transform you into the confident person you want to be.”–Dr. Samir Pancholi

Schedule your consultation today.

If you are unhappy with the shape of your chin or jawline, you have the choice to make your desired changes and achieve a stronger, more masculine facial appearance. To learn more about your options for male chin augmentation in Las Vegas, call Dr. Pancholi at 702-363-0240 or contact us using the form below to book your consultation.

References »

Newberry CI, Mobley SR. Chin Augmentation Using Silastic Implants. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2019 Apr;35(2):149-157. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1683867.

Beer K, Kaufman-Janette J, Bank D, Biesman B, Dayan S, Kim W, Chawla S, Schumacher A. Safe and Effective Chin Augmentation With the Hyaluronic Acid Injectable Filler, VYC-20L. Dermatologic Surgery. 2021 Jan 1;47(1):80-85. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000002795. 

Moradi A, Shirazi A, David R. Nonsurgical Chin and Jawline Augmentation Using Calcium Hydroxylapatite and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers. Facial Plastic Surgery. 2019 Apr;35(2):140-148. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1683854. 

Sykes JM, Suárez GA. Chin Advancement, Augmentation, and Reduction as Adjuncts to Rhinoplasty. Clinics in Plastic Surgery. 2016 Jan;43(1):295-306. doi: 10.1016/j.cps.2015.09.021.

Harris WC, Raggio BS. Facial Chin Augmentation. 2022.

Oranges CM, Grufman V, di Summa PG, Fritsche E, Kalbermatten DF. Chin Augmentation Techniques: A Systematic Review. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 2023 May 1;151(5):758e-771e. doi: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000010079. 

Fanous N, Yoskovitch A. Estimating implant size in chin augmentation: A simplified approach. The Canadian Journal of Plastic Surgery. 2003 Fall;11(3):161-5. doi: 10.1177/229255030301100305. 

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