Las Vegas Chemical Peels

More youthful, radiant skin is within you—sometimes it just takes a little help to reveal

A chemical peel is kind of like a “do-over” for your skin. Using a carefully blended acid solution, a professionally administered peel exfoliates outer layers of skin to a greater depth than your average at-home “scrub” or solution, helping to reveal smoother, healthier an unblemished skin layers beneath. This deep exfoliation also triggers a healing response—this essentially promotes collagen production, helping your skin become naturally firmer and more elastic over time.

  • Improved Skin Texture: Chemical peels can smooth out the texture of the skin, making it softer and more even.
  • Reduction of Fine Lines and Wrinkles: They are effective in minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, particularly under the eyes and around the mouth.
  • Acne and Acne Scarring Reduction: Certain types of chemical peels can help treat acne and reduce the appearance of acne scars.
  • Diminished Sun Damage and Age Spots: The procedure can reduce the appearance of sun damage, age spots, freckles, and other types of hyperpigmentation.
  • Enhanced Skin Brightness and Clarity: Chemical peels can brighten dull skin, leaving it more radiant and clear.
  • Improved Skin Hydration: Some peels can enhance the skin’s ability to retain moisture, improving overall hydration.
  • Stimulation of Collagen Production: The process can stimulate collagen production, leading to firmer, more youthful-looking skin over time.
  • Reduced Pore Size: Chemical peels can help in reducing the appearance of enlarged pores.
  • Treatment of Melasma: Effective in reducing the appearance of melasma, a common skin condition causing dark patches on the face.
  • Quick and Convenient Procedure: Most chemical peels are quick procedures, often completed within 30 minutes to an hour.
  • Customizable Treatment: The strength and type of the peel can be customized to the individual’s skin type and specific skin concerns.
  • Boost in Overall Skin Health: By removing dead skin cells and promoting new cell growth, chemical peels can contribute to healthier, more vibrant skin.
  • AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acid): A type of chemical peel using acids derived from fruits and milk, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, known for their gentle exfoliating properties.
  • BHA (Beta Hydroxy Acid): A category of chemical peels using salicylic acid, which is oil-soluble and can penetrate deep into the pores, often used for acne-prone skin.
  • Chemical Exfoliation: The process of using chemical solutions, like acids, to remove dead skin cells and promote skin renewal, central to the action of chemical peels.
  • Deep Peel: A type of chemical peel that penetrates deeply into the skin, often using phenol, to address more significant skin issues like deep wrinkles and scars.
  • Dermis: The lower layer of the skin, where deep chemical peels can reach to stimulate collagen production and significant skin rejuvenation.
  • Epidermis: The outermost layer of the skin, which is primarily affected by superficial chemical peels.
  • Glycolic Acid: An AHA known for its ability to penetrate the skin deeply and effectively exfoliate.
  • Hyperpigmentation: Darkening of the skin, which can be treated or, in some cases, caused by chemical peels, depending on the skin type and peel strength.
  • Lactic Acid: An AHA derived from milk, used in chemical peels for gentle exfoliation and hydration, suitable for sensitive skin types.
  • Medium Peel: Chemical peels that penetrate the outer and middle layers of the skin, often using trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to treat age spots, fine lines, and wrinkles.
  • Peeling Agent: The chemical solution used in a chemical peel, which varies in strength and composition based on the desired outcome.
  • Phenol Peel: A deep chemical peel that uses phenol for significant skin resurfacing, suitable for treating deep lines and wrinkles.
  • Recovery Period: The time required for the skin to heal after a chemical peel, which varies depending on the peel’s depth and intensity.
  • Skin Concerns: Issues or conditions related to the skin’s appearance or health, such as wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, and acne scarring, which can be addressed with chemical peels.
  • Skin Type: The classification of skin based on its characteristics (such as oily, dry, combination) and its reaction to environmental factors. Skin type is an important consideration in choosing the appropriate type of chemical peel.
  • Sun Damage: Skin damage caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays, often manifesting as age spots or uneven skin tone, which can be treated with chemical peels.
  • Superficial Peel: A mild chemical peel that only affects the outer layer of the skin, often using alpha-hydroxy acids for gentle exfoliation.
  • TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid): A type of acid used in medium to deep chemical peels, effective for treating more pronounced skin imperfections.

Why consider a chemical peel?

In truth, almost anyone can benefit from a chemical peel. An experienced skin care professional can tailor the strength and type of peel to your specific skin type, concerns and goals. Here are some things a chemical peel can achieve:

  • Brighten your complexion before a special event
  • Calm acne breakouts and inflammation
  • Reduce fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reduce brown spots or hyperpigmentation
  • Tighten and smooth crepey skin
  • Treat texture problems and improve skin tone
  • Hydrate and balance the complexion
  • Enhance the results of facelift surgery or injectable treatments

Your chemical peel at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas

There are a variety of chemical peel options, each containing a unique blend of ingredients that are best suited to certain skin concerns. Our top priority is making sure the treatment you receive will achieve the outcome you desire safely and effectively, so we always begin with a consultation to discuss your goals and evaluate your skin.

Our Las Vegas chemical peel options

The peels we offer at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas include:

  • Glycolic acid and lactic acid peels: lighter peels to brighten and balance the complexion
  • SkinCeuticals Peels: light to medium options to improve skin tone, reduce wrinkles and sun damage, and minimize scars
  • Obagi Blue Peel: a popular peel to boost collagen production, minimize signs of aging, and achieve an overall more youthful, healthy complexion

Your treatment: what to expect

A chemical peel typically takes less than an hour to perform, in one of our comfortable treatment rooms at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas. Depending on the strength of peel, you may need a local or topical anesthetic to keep you comfortable. The peel solution is “painted” onto your skin, over the area of concern (sometimes this is the whole face, but peels can also be helpful for smaller areas, such as around the mouth or eyes).

If you are having a lighter peel, you may be able to return to most normal activities immediately—but you MUST keep treated skin protected from the sun. Following a deeper peel, you may need a few days of downtime to heal. We will explain what to expect in terms of recovery and healing at your consultation before beginning treatment.

Recovery after a chemical peel

The outer layers of skin will begin peeling off a few days after a chemical peel. It is imperative that you let your peel heal by itself — although it may be tempting to, do not pick or pull at your skin as it peels — please let the skin peel (and then heal!) naturally. This process can take several days; however, once peeling is complete, you should notice significantly smoother, softer skin with fewer visible flaws.


After your skin peels and your results start to show, you can expect smoother, more radiant skin with reduced appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and uneven pigmentation. The final results typically become visible once the skin completes its healing process, which can vary from a few days for a light peel to a couple of weeks for a deeper peel. The longevity of the results depends on the depth of the peel: light peels may require regular sessions for maintained results, while deeper peels can offer more long-lasting improvements for months or even years. To enhance and prolong the results of your chemical peel, follow a consistent skincare routine with sun protection, use recommended moisturizers, avoid harsh skin treatments, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

References »

Kontochristopoulos G, Platsidaki E. Chemical peels in active acne and acne scars. Clinics in Dermatology. 2017 Mar-Apr;35(2):179-182. doi: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2016.10.011. 

Sarkar R, Garg V, Bansal S, Sethi S, Gupta C. Comparative Evaluation of Efficacy and Tolerability of Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Mandelic Acid, and Phytic Acid Combination Peels in Melasma. Dermatologic Surgery. 2016 Mar;42(3):384-91. doi: 10.1097/DSS.0000000000000642. 

Liu H, Yu H, Xia J, Liu L, Liu GJ, Sang H, Peinemann F. Topical azelaic acid, salicylic acid, nicotinamide, sulphur, zinc and fruit acid (alpha-hydroxy acid) for acne. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2020 May 1;5(5):CD011368. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011368.pub2. 

Get started at a consultation & skin evaluation

Interested to find out how a chemical peel can help you get more beautiful skin? We will be glad to discuss your options at a one-on-one skin consultation at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas. Please call 702-363-0240 or contact us anytime to book your appointment.

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