
All breast augmentation surgeries with Dr. Pancholi include an implant warranty.

Both Allergan and Mentor breast implants offer comprehensive implant warranties to our patients. You are automatically eligible for the basic warranties, which typically cover the cost of implants in case of rupture or deflation. You also have the option of purchasing a supplemental warranty that will reimburse you for a portion of the surgical fees for breast implant revision surgery in addition to the cost of implants.

Allergan Natrelle Breast Implant Warranties

When you choose Natrelle breast implants, you are automatically enrolled in one of their ConfidencePlus® warranty programs: ConfidencePlus Standard for saline, and ConfidencePlus Premier for silicone. Additionally, you may choose to upgrade to the ConfidencePlus® Premier warranty if you choose saline implants.

Both options include a lifetime product replacement for Natrelle saline, silicone Responsive, Soft Touch, cohesive round implants, and their shaped 410 form-stable cohesive implants, in the event of a rupture or deflation. The warranty also includes a replacement implant for the unaffected breast (i.e., if just one of your implants ruptures, your warranty will cover the product cost only for new implants for both breasts). You are responsible for any price difference if you choose a new implant style for your replacement.

The Premier warranty option will also cover some out-of-pocket costs for revision surgery as well as replacement due to capsular contracture.

Visit Natrelle for Detailed Warranty Information

MENTOR Breast Implant Warranties

Mentor also offers different warranty options for its products. All Mentor breast implants include a Lifetime Product Replacement policy for free, which includes a new Mentor breast implant, the same or a similar as your original, at no cost. Again, if you choose an implant that is priced higher than your original, expect to pay the difference.

The remaining details vary somewhat depending on the type of implants you have (saline, MemoryGel®, or MemoryShape®) as well as when you got your implants. Depending on when you had your implants placed, your warranty terms may vary. To get the specific details on Mentor’s saline implant warranties, use the following links:

During your breast augmentation consultation, Dr. Pancholi and our staff will go over with you your options for breast implant warranties and answer any questions you may have. Likewise, should you need to use your warranty for breast implant replacement, our experienced financing and patient care team will help you determine what your warranty will cover.


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