
What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Are you too old for a facelift? Or perhaps too young? Most facelift procedures are performed on patients between the ages of 40–60. As a result, many people will say that the late 50s are the best age for a facelift, while others declare that the early 40s are the best time. The responses on to…

The Best Age for a Facelift: It May be Older Than You Think

People considering facial plastic surgery often ask: what is the best age for a face or neck lift? A new study from Cleveland Clinic shows that with proper screening, even those over 65 can undergo a facelift with no increased risk. Researchers followed 216 women for three years, comparing their facelift results based on their varying age. 148 of the…

Facelift with a Local Anesthetic?

For many people, the idea of having a facelift carried out under local anesthetic – while they are wide awake – might seem daunting. However, for some patients, having a facelift with local anesthetic is their preferred choice. An article in the UK Daily Mail profiled Frances Carter, a 52-year-old former nurse, who decided to have her facelift with local anesthesia….

How Long Does a Facelift Last?

What does it mean when we ask, “how long will your facelift last”? In one sense, your facelift is permanent, since your facial tissues will always be tighter than if you hadn’t had a facelift. However, since facial sagging continues as you age, the results of your facelift will necessarily fade over time. In reality,…

Facelift or Fillers: How to Decide

Surgery or injection? When considering a facial cosmetic procedure, you may be wondering whether you will need to commit to surgery for the results you want… or will an injection suffice? Each procedure has its pros and cons. Dermal fillers such as Juvederm and Restylane are fast, easy and inexpensive, but are also temporary and unable to correct sagging…

A Facelift Can Make you Look About Seven Years Younger

Patients often choose cosmetic facial procedures to look younger, and now a new study finds that, on average, patients look seven years younger after surgery. The study found that not only does a facelift make your face look younger, but those who had multiple facial procedures turned back the clock even more. On average, the study found the…


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