
How Long Does a Facelift Last?

What does it mean when we ask, “how long will your facelift last”? In one sense, your facelift is permanent, since your facial tissues will always be tighter than if you hadn’t had a facelift. However, since facial sagging continues as you age, the results of your facelift will necessarily fade over time.

In reality, there is no cut-and-dry answer to the question of how long a facelift lasts. There are a number of facelift techniques that each offer distinct results, while each patient’s aging process and facial structure will be unique to them. However, most patients find that their results will last well over a decade, depending on the facelift technique and their aftercare.

Facelift Techniques

Some facelift techniques only tighten the loose skin without addressing the underlying tissues of the skin. These techniques will last the least amount of time, as sagging beneath the skin will age your appearance, even as the skin remains taut. If you want results that can last more than a decade, you will likely wish to consider a more extensive facelift procedure.

Preserving Your Facelift

After your facelift, there are some things that you simply can’t control. Your face will continue aging, and gravity will continue to pull down on your skin. However, there are aspects of facial aging that can be prevented or managed.

  • Avoid undue sun exposure. With an appropriate sunblock, you can make sure that the sun’s harmful rays don’t contribute to the formation of new wrinkles. This will also reduce your risk for skin cancer.
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco, which can accelerate the appearance of aging. A healthy diet and regular exercise, which contribute to overall body health, will show on your face.
  • Take care of your face. With a skincare routine, you can keep your face looking fresh and healthy over the long term.
  • Take advantage of non-surgical rejuvenation treatments. Botox and dermal fillers such as JuvedermRestylane, and Perlane can help to preserve and maintain your looks without the need for further surgery. An Obagi facial feel can supplement your existing skincare regime with easy annual maintenance treatments.


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