
What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Are you too old for a facelift? Or perhaps too young? Most facelift procedures are performed on patients between the ages of 40–60. As a result, many people will say that the late 50s are the best age for a facelift, while others declare that the early 40s are the best time. The responses on to…

Future May Hold Injectable for Double Chin Reduction

Is there a non-surgical treatment to get rid of the dreaded turkey neck? According to clinical trials, it appears that an injectable may be a future option for double chin reduction. The injectable drug ATX-101 reduces the amount of fat that develops under the chin (also called submental fat). KYTHERA Biopharmaceuticals, maker of ATX-101, reported that…

What Women Want from Facial Rejuvenation

A recent study published by Dermatologic Surgery journal explored what areas of the face bother women the most. Researchers surveyed 603 women aged 30 – 65 who were selected because of their expressed desire to either improve their appearance or have help achieving graceful aging. All participants were considering some form of treatment within the next two years,…

5 Reasons Why Patients Choose Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty has long been one of the most popular cosmetic procedures due to its ability to significantly enhance one’s overall appearance. To avoid the cost and recovery time that comes with surgery, sometimes patients choose non-surgical rhinoplasty (also known as liquid nose jobs) over traditional nose jobs for a number of reasons, which Dr. Pancholi explores in…

What’s The Price of Rhinoplasty in Las Vegas?

There are three main factors that influence the price of rhinoplasty (in Las Vegas, or elsewhere):  The patient, the doctor, and the location. The Patient: The big question is “Have you ever had rhinoplasty before?” Rhinoplasty is a meticulous and exacting surgery that challenges many surgeons.  Performing revision surgery raises the bar even higher.  If you’ve had rhinoplasty…

5 Fast Ways to Help Your Eyes Look Younger & More Alert

We all have days when we wake up, look in the mirror, and see tired, puffy eyes looking back at us. Whether you’re battling under-eye bags after a string of late nights at the office or a weekend of fun at one of Las Vegas’ famous pool parties, you don’t want to show up at…

Can You Ditch Your Double Chin with an Injection?

You may have heard that the big news in the cosmetic enhancement world is a new, FDA-approved injection that reduces submental fat, also known as the dreaded double chin. The injection, Kybella, was recently approved after two clinical trials that showed noticeable results in patients with moderate to severe cases of excess fat under the…

Extreme Lip Augmentation Results in Trout Pout

A French actress who recently said she regretted plumping her lips has put the spotlight on extreme lip augmentation. Emmanuelle Beart told French newspaper Le Monde, “I had my mouth done at 27. It was botched.” An overdone lip augmentation is often referred to as a “trout pout” because the plumped appearance makes them resemble a…

Quality Sleep Can Enhance Eye Procedures, Expert Says

If you’ve had eyelid surgery, getting more rest may enhance your results, according to a sleep expert. Sleep specialist Michael Breus, PhD, says that eye procedures, such as blepharoplasty and tear trough injections, are more effective when paired with quality sleep. He says that cosmetic surgeons can help meet or exceed their patients’ expectations for a…

Want permanently plump lips?

In the past, your options for achieving fuller, plumper lips were limited to injectable filler procedures that needed to be repeated every few months to maintain the look. But the development of a new lip implant now gives those who want to pump up their lips a permanent solution. Although lip implants are relatively new,…


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