MTF Breast Augmentation

Male to female breast augmentation can be an important step in the gender confirmation process for many individuals, helping them feel more confident and secure in their bodies. If you would like to have breast augmentation to feel more like yourself, Dr. Samir Pancholi can help you learn more about the procedure and decide if it’s right for you.

Dr. Pancholi is highly experienced in MTF breast augmentation and offers several procedure options for transgender patients. He prides himself on helping patients achieve the aesthetically pleasing breast contours they desire with compassionate care and a commitment to safety and privacy.

The importance of choosing an experienced cosmetic surgeon for your breast surgery

While many aspects of MTF breast augmentation and traditional breast augmentation are similar, there are special considerations a cosmetic surgeon must make for transwomen or non-binary transfeminine patients to ensure a safe surgery and natural-looking results, such as:

  • Your chest width and length before surgery, which is likely wider than a cisgender female chest
  • The amount of natural breast tissue and skin you have, which may limit how large an implant is appropriate
  • Whether or not you are taking hormone therapy, which will affect your natural breast characteristics

Dr. Pancholi performs MTF breast augmentation as an outpatient procedure at accredited surgery centers in Las Vegas. The procedure takes about one to two hours, using general anesthesia. Following surgery, you will go home wearing a surgical bra, which you will be required to wear for several weeks, except when showering.

Continue reading to learn more about MTF Top Surgery in Las Vegas, or schedule your consultation with Dr. Pancholi today. We are located in Las Vegas and proudly serve patients from Summerlin, Southwest Las Vegas, Spring Valley, Enterprise, Paradise, Henderson, Whitney, Sunrise Manor, and North Las Vegas.

Before & Afters

Candidates for male to female top surgery in Las Vegas, NV

The best candidates are individuals who are at least 18 years old, in good overall health, and fully committed to their transformation. It’s also important to have realistic expectations for the procedure, as the amount and condition of your natural chest tissue may limit what size implant is safe for your body.

If you are considering female hormone therapy as part of your transition, it’s best to start at least a year before undergoing a breast augmentation. Taking female hormones often results in some breast tissue development, which will not only affect your implant size, but also will benefit your results by providing more natural tissue coverage for the implant.

You may have to temporarily stop hormone therapy before and after surgery to minimize the risk of complications. Tell Dr. Pancholi if you are currently taking hormones or if you would like to; he will advise you how best to time your surgery.

A Few Reasons for MTF Top Surgery:

  • Alignment with gender identity, which is crucial for transgender women in their transition process.
  • Enhanced feminine chest contour and silhouette.
  • Provides personal empowerment, as it symbolizes taking control over one’s body and identity.

“One of the things that really sets us apart from other practices is the amount of breast surgery that we do, and really, the complexity of it. When we look at fixing breast augmentations, breast lifts, reductions, and everything else, it’s about having the ability and the tools to do it. But the bigger part is, do you have someone with the aesthetic eye to put things back together? And that would be another reason that you want to come here. We’re doing this all with an artistic approach. We’re looking at your body, your frame, and what truly fits you. Our recommendations will hopefully help you get the figure that you want and the confidence that you want back in yourself.”—Dr. Samir Pancholi

Options for MTF breast augmentation

Dr. Pancholi will discuss your goals at length and answer all of your questions about your top surgery during your personal, private consultation at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas. Options he will discuss with you include:

Silicone gel vs. saline breast implants

Many MTF breast augmentation patients choose silicone gel, as this provides the most natural breast feel with minimal chance of visible rippling or wrinkling, especially when there is very little breast tissue to cover the implant.

Breast implant size

What size breast implant to get for MTF breast augmentation is determined by what your body can safely accommodate, what will look most natural with your anatomy, and your personal preferences.

Incision placement

Dr. Pancholi specializes in trans axillary (armpit) incisions, which avoid any scarring on the breast itself. Other options include an inframammary incision, in which the scar is concealed by the lower breast fold, or around the outer edge of the areola.

Areola & nipple resizing

Some patients wish to have their areolas or nipples enlarged to achieve a more natural female nipple/areola appearance after breast augmentation. Dr. Pancholi can discuss options such as tattooing and nipple reshaping with you.

Chest hair removal

If you have unwanted chest hair, Dr. Pancholi can talk to you about laser hair removal before or after breast augmentation to permanently reduce or eliminate the hair.

Additional body feminization procedures

Dr. Pancholi is experienced in feminizing body contouring with liposuction to create a more feminine shape for the waist, hips, and buttocks.

How Long is the Recovery for MTF Breast Surgery in Summerlin, NV?

Most patients can return to desk jobs within 1 to 2 weeks and gradually resume exercise about 3 to 4 weeks after surgery. Dr. Pancholi will provide you with complete instructions for aftercare; it is important to follow these closely to avoid complications and ensure your results heal optimally.

It usually takes about 3 months to for breast implants to finish settling into their final position and for post-operative swelling to fully disappear.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Samir Pancholi

Not every cosmetic surgeon has training or experience in the nuances of MTF breast augmentation. As a diplomate of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery and one of Las Vegas’ most highly sought-after cosmetic breast surgeons, Dr. Samir Pancholi has performed thousands of breast augmentation procedures for patients of all ages, gender identities, and ethnicities. He will carefully measure your chest dimensions and rib cage contours to help you choose the breast implant shape, size, and profile to achieve as natural an appearance as possible. Call (702) 363-0240 now to schedule your consultation.

  • Areola: The pigmented area surrounding the nipple.
  • Breast Augmentation: A surgical procedure to increase breast size, typically through the insertion of breast implants.
  • Breast Implants: Medical devices placed in the breast to enhance size and shape. Common types include saline and silicone implants.
  • Capsular Contracture: A potential complication of breast augmentation where scar tissue forms around the implant, causing firmness or hardening.
  • Estrogen Therapy: Hormone therapy using estrogen, prescribed to transgender women to develop female secondary sex characteristics.
  • Gender Dysphoria: The psychological distress that results from a discrepancy between a person’s gender identity and their sex assigned at birth.
  • Gender-Affirming Surgery: Surgical procedures that alter a person’s physical appearance to be more congruent with their gender identity. For MTF individuals, this includes breast augmentation.
  • Inframammary Fold Incision: An incision made in the natural crease under the breast, commonly used for inserting breast implants.
  • MTF Breast Augmentation: A gender-affirming surgical procedure for transgender women to enhance breast size and feminine appearance.
  • MTF Top Surgery: A term often used to describe breast augmentation for transgender women as part of their gender transition. It may include various surgical techniques to create a feminine chest contour.
  • Periareolar Incision: An incision made around the edge of the areola, sometimes used in breast augmentation surgeries.
  • Subglandular Placement: Placement of breast implants above the chest muscle but beneath the breast tissue.
  • Submuscular Placement: Placement of breast implants beneath the chest muscle.
  • Transgender: An umbrella term for individuals whose gender identity differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
  • Transgender Woman: An individual who was assigned male at birth but identifies and lives as a woman.


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