Dr. Pancholi in the Media
3/10/2023 Clean And Smooth: Healthy Methods To Reduce Aggressive Signs Of Aging on Elle Blonde
“For those looking for more dramatic results, there are also plastic surgery options available. These procedures can help to address sagging skin, deep wrinkles, and other signs of aging by removing excess skin or filling in wrinkles with dermal fillers. Many different types of facial plastic surgeries exist and it’s important to discuss your goals with a qualified surgeon before making any decisions.”
11/17/2021 Plastic Surgeon Reveals How Nicole Kidman Keeps Her Youthful Looks on The List
“Kidman has always been adored for her fun, quirky personality and her youthful beauty. The Australian actress has always had seemingly perfect skin under her luscious strawberry blonde curls. “The Undoing” actress has always been probed about her beauty secrets. She’s repeatedly shared her go-to routines, and even broke down her nighttime skincare routine step-by-step for Harper’s Bazaar (via YouTube). But does Kidman really owe her ageless glow to a solid vitamin-taking routine? Dr. Samir Pancholi weighs in with an exclusive analysis of Kidman’s true secrets.”
11/16/2021 Plastic Surgeon Reveals Why Fans Fixate on Keith Urban’s Face on The List
“For years, fans have been speculating if Keith Urban and his wife, Nicole Kidman, have had plastic surgery on their faces (via Life and Style). Speculation began in 2015 but really heated up when the couple made an appearance at the Country Music Awards. Fans felt that the famous pair looked like a couple of wax figures at the Hollywood Wax Museum — at least, that’s how Life and Style described it.
So, did Urban get plastic surgery? Urban and Kidman are reportedly fans of Botox, but have they gotten more work done? Thankfully, Dr. Samir Pancholi, a Las Vegas-based plastic surgeon, shared an exclusive take on the Urban frozen face mystery with The List.”
08/29/2020 What You Should Expect for Gender Confirming Surgery in Cosmopolitan
“One last pro tip from Samir Pancholi, MD, a trans-friendly cosmetic surgeon in Las Vegas: It’s more important to look for patients who most closely match your appearance in their before images, than it is to focus on the “after” images that you favor most. Yes, it’s tempting to look at just the results and focus on that, but by assessing based on the before images, it gives you a much more realistic idea of what the surgeon can actually accomplish when starting with facial and body features like yours.”
1/9/2019 Las Vegas Cosmetic Surgeon Hosts Successful Bra Drive & Donates $1,090 to Benefit The Shade Tree on PR Newswire
“Thanks to the support of the community and his patients, Dr. Samir Pancholi of Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas was able to collect 109 bras for local charity, The Shade Tree. For every donated bra, Dr. Pancholi “matched” the donation with $10, and he was honored to present the 109 bras and $1,090 to The Shade Tree early in December.”
10/24/2018 The 4th Annual Launching Las Vegas Award Is Now Accepting Votes on PR Newswire
“Launching Las Vegas, a community driven award created to celebrate Vegas-based startup companies, is back for its fourth year. Founded to honor the hard work and commitment our local entrepreneurs devote to helping Vegas grow as a hub for business, the Launching Las Vegas contest relies on the community to choose a startup to be awarded a cash prize—and voting is now officially open to the public.”
8/24/2018 Dr. Samir Pancholi Announces Recipient of First Annual Pancholi Scholarship for Nevada Educators on PR Newswire
“Dr. Samir Pancholi is pleased to announce that Lori Brown of Henderson, Nevada is the 2018 recipient of the inaugural Pancholi Scholarship for Nevada Educators. The Scholarship was developed by Dr. Pancholi to support and empower our next generation of teachers in Nevada, with the hope of encouraging those who have chosen to devote their lives to education in the face of teacher shortages and a system that undervalues the profession.”
3/26/2018 Las Vegas Physician Launches Pancholi Scholarship for Nevada Educators on PR Newswire
“Dr. Samir Pancholi of Las Vegas is pleased to announce the first annual Pancholi Scholarship for Nevada Educators, a $2,000 scholarship developed to help support our next generation of teachers.”
2/12/2017 Las Vegas Cosmetic Surgeon Now Offering Non-Surgical Vaginal Rejuvenation on PR Newswire
“Noting his commitment to providing safe, effective no-downtime options for his patients, cosmetic surgeon Dr. Samir Pancholi recently began offering ThermiVa—a system for minimally invasive vaginal rejuvenation—at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas.”
5/23/2017 Las Vegas Cosmetic Surgeon Recommends Replacing Silicone Gel Breast Implants at Around 10 Years, Before There is a Problem on PR Newswire
“Today’s “5th generation” silicone breast implants are more durable than ever. However, they are not considered lifetime devices, and eventually a patient can expect to replace them—the question is when. Recently, Las Vegas cosmetic surgeon Dr. Samir Pancholi published an article to help clarify the matter for patients.”
11/4/2016 The Community Has Spoken, and Tealet Has Been Chosen as the Winner of 2016 Launching Las Vegas on PR Newswire
“The votes have been counted, and Launching Las Vegas is thrilled to announce the winner of the 2016 award: Tealet. This annual award was created to celebrate local startup companies that work hard to invigorate the Las Vegas business scene—and Tealet perfectly exemplifies what it means to be a Launching Las Vegas winner.”
12/19/2015 Dr. Samir Pancholi, Founder, Launching Las Vegas in Las Vegas Business Press
“A cosmetic surgeon wants to do something to help Las Vegas, his adopted hometown, replace its Sin City image with a new image — that of a growing tech center.”
10/26/2015 2015 Launching Las Vegas Award in #vegastech
“As a local business owner, Dr. Pancholi stays he understands both the challenges and rewards of starting a company —particularly in a town that largely caters to out-of-town visitors. It is his hope that he can invigorate the community to engage with these businesses and get them a bit of attention in the process.”
10/25/2015 Meet the Launching Las Vegas Award Nominees! in Innevation
“The Launching Las Vegas Award was created to celebrate the hard work, effort, and commitment local startup companies and entrepreneurs devote to helping Vegas shine. “
9/07/2015 Medical Turf Wars: Plastic Surgeons Clash with Other Doctors About Who can Perform Liposuction & Tummy Tucks in International Business Times
“What can get confusing to the public is — the plastic surgeons are saying, ‘You should only trust us and not anybody else,’” Pancholi said. “What the ABCS believes is if you have a physician properly trained in cosmetic surgery, you are more likely to have a better outcome.”
05/15/2015 I Asked A Plastic Surgeon To Turn Me Into Nicolas Cage in Thrillist
“There isn’t a good story about the event that caused me to ask the question, “How much would it cost for me to look like Nic Cage?” I’ve had other Nic Cage questions before, so this just kind of happened. I brushed it off initially, but when I ran into Dr. Samir Pancholi—Medical Director of Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas and the President of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery—I knew I found the person to get a straight answer to my burning question.”
10/15/2012 Business Relationships form and flourish by listening in Las Vegas Sun
“Dr. Samir Pancholi says that people who seek cosmetic surgery to appease or spite another will likely be less than satisfied.”
10/14/2012 Nevada Ranks Highest in Domestic Violence Deaths
“[DeAndre] Esteen said the [Shade Tree] shelter is often in desperate need of resources. In an effort to curb the problem, The Shade Tree of Las Vegas received a donation of nearly 100 new and like new bras and $1,000 from Pancholi Cosmetic Surgery. The necessary items were collected in August by the staff of Pancholi Cosmetic Surgery through a donation drive specifically for The Shade Tree.”
11/28/2011 Dr. Samir Pancholi Selected as Examiner for World Academy of Cosmetic Surgery Board Exam in Zillertal, Austria
5/8/2011 “Botched medical care scares area women” Las Vegas Review-Journal
5/25/2011 “Backroom surgery death raises questions about ‘makeshift’ doctors” Las Vegas Review-Journal
“Unfortunately,” said Dr. Samir Pancholi, a cosmetic surgeon, “too many people now view surgery as a simple business activity where you can get a good deal and they don’t think about safety.”
8/8/2010 “Cosmetic surgeons devote more time to patient ‘redos’” Las Vegas Review-Journal
8/3/2010 “Prick and run? Botox bandits rip off wrinkle shots” MSNBC.com
2/1/2010 “In Business Las Vegas” has announced their top 40 business leaders under 40 for 2009, including Dr. Samir Pancholi of Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas.
11/28/2009 “‘Botax’ could create a few more wrinkles” Las Vegas Review-Journal
“As Regina Cardona sits in the examination room of Las Vegas cosmetic surgeon Dr. Samir Pancholi, she says few people believe her when she reveals she’s 36 years old.”
4/12/2009 “Do Looks Matter in a Down Economy? Maybe a Little More in Sin City” Health News Digest
“Demand still exists, however, for those procedures that still provide visible changes, but have longer lasting results. These procedures – i.e. breast augmentation, facelifts, and rhinoplasty – carry a longer recovery times (2-3 weeks) and start around $4500.”
11/13/2008 “Doctor refuses plastic surgery to patients who smoke” Las Vegas Sun
“People are shocked,” Pancholi said. “I really do gauge how receptive people are to me showing them the pictures. I show them the pictures if I feel they’re not really getting it, or if they feel I’m blowing smoke at them about the seriousness of the situation.”
8/13/08 “Want a Face Lift? First, Better Stop Smoking” New York Times
“Dr. Pancholi, [a diplomate of] the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, takes scare tactics a step further. He shows patients graphic postoperative pictures of smokers who didn’t heed his advice to quit. “They see the wound opening up, turning red or black, the edges start coming apart,” he said. “They see the skin graft we use to put it back together.”
9/27/08 “NORM: LV all shook up about Elvis star” Norm Clarke column in the Las Vegas Review-Journal
“Denay Thompson was named “Miss Hawaiian Tropic Zone Las Vegas” on Thursday. Judges included Randy and Kim Couture, Miss America runner-up 2007 Elyse Umemoto from Washington and Dr. Samir Pancholi of Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas”
1/29/08 “Botox is much safer than scary headlines suggest” Orange County Register
1/2/08 “‘Real Housewife’ typifies breast-implant problems” Orange County Register
11/7/07 “Newest implants are likened to gummy bears” Orange County Register
4/25/07 Laryngeal Fractures eMedicine from WebMD
- Read Dr. Pancholi’s bio or view a snapshot of his awards & recognition