Dr. Pancholi is happy to answer any question you may have about cosmetic surgery, from breast implants to recovery time to how he performs popular procedures. We welcome you to contact us to ask your question. If you specify, we can anonymously include your question on this Q & A page to help other people like you.
Patient Questions About Cosmetic Surgery
General Cosmetic Surgery Q & A
Can I schedule an appointment if I don’t live in Las Vegas?
Of course! We encourage you to. Investing in cosmetic surgery is not a choice you should take lightly. Dr. Pancholi helps people from all over the globe love their bodies, and the best part is that we offer virtual consultations, so you can be anywhere in the world and still see what Dr. Pancholi can do for you.
Is cosmetic surgery covered by insurance?
Unfortunately, cosmetic surgery is not covered by insurance. However, we do partner with Cherry, Alpheon Credit, and CareCredit to help patients turn their dreams into reality.
Do credentials really matter?
Absolutely. Any doctor can call themselves a cosmetic surgeon if they do cosmetic surgery. However, only surgeons who have met the strict requirements, completed specific training, and demonstrated the surgical skills and knowledge necessary to pass 2-day oral and written exams can become a diplomates of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. When it comes to transformative procedures like breast augmentation and mommy makeovers, you don’t want to trust just anyone. To learn more about what board certification means and verify whether your surgeon is board-certified, visit the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery website. To learn more about Dr. Pancholi’s credentials, visit his bio page.
What type of garment will I need after surgery and how long will I need to wear it?
The type of garment needed will depend on the surgery. We will provide you the needed initial garment. Usually, this is worn for 4 – 12 weeks, depending on your procedure, and allows the body and tissues to heal into position while also limiting swelling.
What is the difference between cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery?
Cosmetic surgeons are trained to specifically perform all aspects of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgeons are trained to perform reconstructive surgery but may perform cosmetic surgery. Dr. Pancholi specializes in cosmetic surgery.
Where are cosmetic surgery procedures performed?
All of Dr. Pancholi’s cosmetic surgery procedures are performed in his private, fully approved, and nationally accredited surgical facility, with the help of board-certified anesthesiologists. Your safety is always our top priority.
Do you use a separate doctor for anesthesia? I am very scared about “going under”!
Your anesthesia will be provided by a board certified anesthesiologist. Their sole focus is your anesthesia. They will speak to you before surgery and ask about any of your or your family’s past experiences and discuss any concerns you may have.
If I am not doing a facelift or tummy tuck, is it ok to still smoke?
Certain procedures are very dependent on blood supply. Facelifts and tummy tucks are two of those surgeries, but there are others. Over all, the results of your cosmetic surgery are optimized when you are not smoking and I recommend no nicotine of any kind four weeks before and after surgery regardless of the procedure.
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Breast Enhancement Q & A
I’m 49 years old. I was wondering if i’m too old for breast augmentation?
Too old for breast augmentation? More of a consideration than age is your health! If you are in good health, active, and in good mental spirits, age is not that great of a factor. For example, a person in their 30’s that has diabetes, high blood pressure, and constant neck pain would not be a great candidate. Another consideration is why you want breast augmentation. Having it done to improve your self esteem is one thing; but doing it for someone else is completely different. Every person is different in their motivations and situation. We have done breast augmentation on women in their mid sixties; but their mental spirit is still in their 40’s! If you’re interested, come on in for a consultation and we will talk about it.
I am from Hawaii and interested in having breast implants in Las Vegas due to the high cost in Hawaii. Can I come to your office for breast implants and do aftercare in Hawaii?
We have patients come from all over the world. My staff will help coordinate times and dates with you. I would like to see you at least one day before and after surgery. Ideally I want you to stay here for one week. We can conduct your post surgery care visits via the phone, internet, and email in most cases.
Read our Out of Town Patients Guide for great information about traveling to Las Vegas for cosmetic surgery.
How soon can I go back to work after breast augmentation?
Getting back to work depends on the activity level required and how well you tolerate the discomfort from surgery. The risk for problems such as bleeding or poor implant position goes down as time passes. If you have a desk job you can likely return in 7-10 days, provided your pain is controlled. You might not, however, be as efficient as you normally are for 3-4 weeks. If your job requires more physical activity, I want you rested at least 2-2.5 weeks. Those whose jobs are physically demanding are best served with 3-4 weeks off.
What is a uni-boob?
This is when there is a connection or bridge between the left breast and right breast. The formal term for this condition is “symmastia”. This condition can result from poor implant placement, implant malposition, and the implants being too large.
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Body Contouring Q & A
I want a bigger butt, can plastic surgery help?
Yes, cosmetic surgery can help you obtain a larger bottom. On your own, training and building your muscles with exercises, such as squats can help. With cosmetic surgery, we can reshape the area by sculpting it with VASER liposuction. This will contour your lower back and around your buttocks to enhance the appearance. Next we take some of your own fat and place it in that area to make it larger. It’s a nice natural appearance and feel.
What is the difference between a mini tummy tuck and a regular tummy tuck? How do you know what you are a candidate for?
With a regular (full) tummy tuck, the abdominal skin and muscles are being tightened from the sternum to pubic area. This will flatten the entire abdominal region and typically has a low lying scar going from hip bone to hip bone. A mini tummy tuck focuses on the area below the belly button. It will tighten the skin and muscles in this area and is associated with smaller scar.
Everyone wants the smaller scar that comes with the mini tummy tuck, but in order to get the best results, most often a full tummy tuck is needed. When you look in the mirror and relax your stomach muscles and see fullness all through your abdomen, often times you will need a full tummy tuck. If the fullness is focused below your belly button or you have loose skin limited to that area, likely a mini tummy will give you the results you want.
I am 43; will my skin re-shape itself after liposuction? I am sure not like when I was 20, but will it look normal?
How well your skin re-shapes after liposuction depends primarily on the condition of your skin. Stretch marks are an indication that few elastic fibers are left to reshape. If you’ve had significant weight loss, you may have already maximized the skin’s shrinking capacity. Overly sun exposed skin also does not tend to shrink well. In these situations you may need other procedures to maximize your results. If your skin seems to have pretty good elasticity, likely it will shrink well despite your age. The part of your body being treated also plays a role. For example, skin on the hips and back tend to shrink very well where as the inner thigh less well.
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Facial Surgery Q & A
When can I be in public after a Rhinoplasty?
Typically, you can be back in public around 10 days to 2 weeks and most people who don’t know you won’t give a second glance. You will still have some mild swelling, but it’s often difficult to notice. People who know you may notice a slight difference until around 3 weeks from surgery.
What should I expect during my consultation for facial plastic surgery?
During your consultation for facial plastic surgery, you will meet with Dr. Pancholi to discuss your aesthetic goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have. Dr. Pancholi will evaluate your facial features, explain available treatment options, and help you understand what each procedure involves. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask questions about recovery, risks, and expected outcomes. The goal is to ensure that you are fully informed and confident in your decision before moving forward with any procedures.