
What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Are you too old for a facelift? Or perhaps too young? Most facelift procedures are performed on patients between the ages of 40–60. As a result, many people will say that the late 50s are the best age for a facelift, while others declare that the early 40s are the best time. The responses on to this common question show how many opinions there are on the subject.

In reality, there is no such thing as a “best age” for everyone’s facelift surgery. The best age for your surgery depends on a number of factors.

  • Has your face begun sagging and developing deep lines?
  • When did your parents and grandparents begin developing significant signs of facial aging?
  • What do you want to accomplish with facelift surgery?
  • Do you work in an industry where looking keen and refreshed is important?

While the best age for your facelift surgery depends on your genes, lifestyle, and priorities, many surgeons conclude that earlier is often better than later. This offers a number of benefits:

  • An ounce of prevention. With an earlier procedure, you can undergo a less onerous procedure. If you wait until your late 50s or early 60s, you may find that your procedure may require more extensive work. “A pound of cure,” indeed!
  • Continuity over the long-term. Facelift surgery in later years can be quite dramatic. With an earlier procedure, you can have a subtly refreshed appearance, and your friends and coworkers will be none the wiser.

In general, the best age for your facelift surgery will usually be when deeper signs of aging, including deep lines and sagging jowls, begin to appear. When this happens, you should schedule a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon, who can discuss your options.

You may also want to consider some popular non-surgical alternatives to facelift surgery, including Botox and Juvederm.


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