When considering a mastopexy, or breast lift, it is crucial to consider the various types of scarring that may occur. Consulting with your surgeon on these possible outcome prior to the procedure is very important for the best overall satisfaction with your results.
In order to accommodate the many different types of breast adjustments which may need to be performed during a mastopexy, each patient will have slightly different scarring following their procedure. During the consultation, you can discuss these things in detail, and weigh the benefits and necessary incision lines of each approach.
Breast Lift Scars Vary Based on Individual Procedure and Other Factors
With the general approach to the breast lift procedure, patients can expect light incision lines around the areola, which will continue to fade with time. Typically, lines created during any breast surgery, such as breast lift, breast augmentation or breast reduction, will diminish in redness, size and visibility over the first few years. In general, the more significant the breast lift, the longer the incisions will need to be.
Another version of this lift involves the removal of a small crescent of tissue above the areola, and the repositioning of the nipple, which may require slightly more noticeable scarring. The lollipop method, another popular approach for more significant adjustment, adds a vertical line down from the nipple to the crease under the breast.
The full mastopexy procedure, which is performed for those requiring the most tissue removal and greatest adjustment, adds another incision line running along the breast crease. This allows for more freedom in creating the best possible final result, and gives a characteristic “anchor” appearance to the final incision lines. Often, patients will require some variation or combination of these different incision types to guarantee the best final appearance for their unique situation.
Image by Alex E. Proimos on Flickr.