
Still Time to Take Advantage of Breast Implant Warranties

A little over two months remain for patients to take advantage of the increased warranty coverage being offered by silicone breast implant manufacturers.  Until the end of the year, breast augmentations with silicone gel implants can qualify for $3500 of warranty coverage that can cover revision surgery if a rupture occurs, lasting up to ten years after the surgery.

Before this year, the standard warranty offered lifetime product replacement and a financial reimbursement of $1200, while the premium warranty offered about $2400.  Although these reimbursements have always been in place to offset the cost of revision surgery, for the patient they still carry the potential for out-of-pocket expense.

This may be a great time to undergo breast augmentation.  If you undergo the surgery on or before the 31st of December you may qualify for the special limited-time warranty.

More than a few patients want some extra insurance against the financial risks associated with implant rupture – what our patients often call a “flat tire” – and this warranty looks like an excellent way to get that.

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