
Gynecomastia Not A Joke For Those Who Experience It

The concept of male breasts has changed; what was once an embarrassing, rarely spoken of condition is now approaching the level of pop culture phenomenon. Finlo Rohrer of BBC news speculates that media – especially the tabloid scrutinization of celebrities – has popularized the concept of ‘man boobs.’ Tony Blair and UK conservative party leader, David Cameron,…

Treating Gynecomastia Improves Quality of Life for Men

Men who undergo male breast reduction surgery to treat gynecomastia are highly satisfied with the procedure, according to an Italian study. The study also found that treating gynecomastia improves patients’ quality of life. What is Gynecomastia? Men with gynecomastia have excess breast tissue, which doctors believe may be caused by hormonal problems. Men with the condition can get a more…


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