Men who undergo male breast reduction surgery to treat gynecomastia are highly satisfied with the procedure, according to an Italian study.
The study also found that treating gynecomastia improves patients’ quality of life.

What is Gynecomastia?
Men with gynecomastia have excess breast tissue, which doctors believe may be caused by hormonal problems. Men with the condition can get a more masculine chest by having male breast reduction surgery.
During surgery, excess glandular tissue or fat is removed, either through liposuction or surgical tissue removal.
Results of Treating Gynecomastia
The study examined 126 patients who had undergone male breast reduction surgery in Siena or Pisa, Italy. The patients, whose average age was 28, were given questionnaires both before and one year after surgery. The survey asked patients about their motivations for treatment, degree of satisfaction with the procedure and quality of life.
All of the patients said their quality of life improved after the surgery, with an average satisfaction score of 8.2 out of 10.
The researchers found the results of surgery to be so positive that they suggested that patients with gynecomastia “undergo surgery always and as soon as possible.”
The surgery is relatively short — generally about one hour of operating time. The study reported a 17.72% complication rate. Potential complications include scarring, pigment changes, asymmetry, infection, bleeding and fluid loss or buildup.
Recovery from male breast reduction takes about one week, and exercise can usually be resumed about three weeks after surgery.
Contact Dr. Pancholi in Las Vegas for more information on male breast reduction.