
Avoid the “black market” Botox; find a qualified Botox provider in Las Vegas

A dermatologist in Huntington Beach, California was recently reprimanded for injecting non-FDA approved botulinum toxin into ten patients. The doctor avoided buying Botox Cosmetic, the FDA-approved wrinkle treatment made by Allergan, to try and save a few bucks. He wasn’t the only one. Turns out nearly a hundred dermatologists and plastic surgeons purchased the black…

Botox Alternative ‘Reloxin’ Could Get FDA Approval This Year

The latest issue of Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery includes the results of a new study of the wrinkle relaxer, Reloxin.  Doctors evaluated the long-term safety of Reloxin for repeated use in moderate to severe forehead wrinkles over the course of thirteen months. Medicis Pharmaceutical expects to receive FDA approval for Reloxin later this year.  This could…

“Botox Breast Lift” a Waste of Money, Warns AACS Surgeon

Local 12 news in Ohio aired this story today to answer the question “What is a Botox Breast lift?” Dr. Mandell-Brown, a fellow member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgeons, explains that although the breast lift is common, and Botox is practical and effective, the so-called Botox Breast Lift is not a cost effective cosmetic treatment…

John Meyer’s Voice Restored Through Botox Cosmetic Injections

One of the most commonly discussed singers in pop culture, John Meyer recently made headlines again by receiving Botox injections. Unlike most Botox recipients, however, Meyer’s treatments were not for facial wrinkles, but for a serious throat condition. Meyer recently developed a granuloma on his vocal chords, which interfered with his ability to sing and speak. This…

Botox – Beware of the “new wrinkle” illusion

Botox works by blocking signals between nerves and muscles. This stops muscles from contracting. Different people often require differing amounts of Botox to get the results that they desire. For this reason most doctors will recommend touch ups at about 7-10 days. As Botox starts to take affect and wrinkles start to smooth out on one…

Poll Results and Further Discussion on the Botax

So far, 43 people have responded to our Botax poll since it was posted.  Thank you to everyone who participated!  Nearly 50 percent of you agreed that a tax on cosmetic surgery would discriminate against women. It’s not terribly surprising that most respondents sided with the discrimination argument, as that’s likely the most valid objection…

Botox Could Be Used For Migraine Relief: New Research

Botox could be used as a migraine headache treatment, according to new research published in the medical journal Archives of Dermatology.  Authors of the new study say Botox injections “at doses appropriate for cosmetic purposes may be sufficient to prevent migraine attacks.” According to writers on Bloomberg news, pharmaceutical company and Botox manufacturer Allergan applied for FDA…

More People Choosing Non-Surgical Procedures for the Christmas Season

Though the retail rush at Christmastime is a well-established commercial tradition, one recent trend is a marked increase in cosmetic surgery procedures around Christmas. As reported by the Daytona Beach News-Journal Online, more patients choose cosmetic surgery procedures before, during, and after the winter holiday season. Several regions of the country have seen increases in the number of people…

Botox Patients Using Obagi Nu-Derm Have Better Results

Patients who had Botox treatments and also used the Obagi Nu-Derm skin care system were more satisfied with their results and had a greater improvement in overall facial appearance compared to patients who had Botox treatments with placebo in clinical trials. Obagi Nu-Derm works at the cellular level by exfoliating and stimulating cell turnover, so skin “behaves” and looks…

Hormones Influence Acne in Women

Acne doesn’t affect only teens. A growing number of adult women suffer from the skin condition and hormones play a role. According to a presentation by dermatologist Dr. Bethanee Jean Schlosser at the American Academy of Dermatology’s recent annual meeting, adult-onset acne is becoming more common among women in their 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. A 2011…


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