So far, 43 people have responded to our Botax poll since it was posted. Thank you to everyone who participated! Nearly 50 percent of you agreed that a tax on cosmetic surgery would discriminate against women.
It’s not terribly surprising that most respondents sided with the discrimination argument, as that’s likely the most valid objection and perhaps the most controversial aspect of the tax.
Dr. Pancholi was recently interviewed about this issue by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. “86 percent of cosmetic surgery patients are working women between the ages of 35 and 50, who have an average income of $55,000 a year,” he told them, just to clear up any misconceptions about who this tax would affect most.
It sounds like a few politicians and many people in the cosmetic surgery industry are hoping the tax gets dropped before passage of the bill. “My hunch is the provision … will get stripped before passage,” said Texas Rep. Garnet Coleman in a recent Houston Chronicle article.