
Breast Augmentation: New Questions and Answers

Q: Breast augmentation has become the most popular cosmetic surgery in the United States; how did this happen?

A: The simplest answer is that breast augmentation is popular because a) many American women are dissatisfied with the size and shape of their breasts and b) the procedure is a predictable and effective solution to that problem.

Q: Since their reintroduction to the market, have silicone implants surpassed saline in popularity?

A: Just 3 years have passed since restrictions were lifted on silicone implants, so that’s still difficult to measure. 2009 statistics haven’t been publicized yet, but so far saline implants are the most common choice for surgeons in the United States.


Q: Is breast augmentation in Las Vegas more expensive than other areas?

A: The national average cost of breast augmentation is around 4000 dollars. In certain areas where demand is higher or the cost of living is higher, you can expect to pay more. See this chart on that outlines the cost of breast augmentation in each state.

Q: How long do breast implants last?

A: They don’t have an expiration date, but most patients should expect to return to their cosmetic surgeon for a follow-up or revision at some point. Choose a surgeon that you can partner with for long-term care.

Q: Can natural body fat be used instead of breast implants?

A: It is possible, but this method is still being studied. Most surgeons agree that fat grafting for breast augmentation is not as predictable and not as effective as methods using silicone or saline breast implants.


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