BMI Calculator

Calculate Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

Consulting with a cosmetic surgeon is the best way to learn if you are physically ready for surgery, however, there are certain factors that can provide a reasonable assessment of your condition. According to the National Institutes of Health, the BMI is a way to measure your body fat. Based on your height and weight, the BMI calculator provides a reasonable assessment of your physical condition. Note that the Body Mass Index applies only to adult men and women. The weight ranges and category names are specified by the National Institutes of Health.

Calculate your own BMI

lbs. ft. in.
Your BMI {{ bmiNum }} {{ bmiText }}
18.5 or below
18.5 to 24.9
25 to 29.9
30 or more

We use your BMI index to help us evaluate if you are a candidate for cosmetic surgery. The key is to have “maintainable” weight at the time of surgery.

  • Normal: You may be an ideal candidate for specific procedures if your weight and height fall into the “Normal” category.
  • Underweight or Overweight: If you are either “Underweight” or “Overweight,” you need a consultation with a qualified cosmetic surgeon to determine whether you are a candidate or not.
  • Obese: If the computation categorizes your BMI as “Obese,” then we recommend that you bring your BMI into a lower category before having a consultation.

If your BMI is 35 or higher, anesthesia risks increase, as do the complications of surgery, including infections, seromas, and wound healing issues. You are also more likely to have co-morbid conditions that affect surgery, including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and breathing problems, all of which increase your surgical risk. Maintaining a healthy weight helps lower your risk of developing these problems, helps you feel good about yourself, and gives you more energy to enjoy life..

Calculating your BMI can help you gauge what areas of your health you may need to work on before seeking a cosmetic procedure. Keep in mind, however, that while BMI is a good starting point, it is not the only determining factor in your surgical eligibility and discussing your physical readiness with a surgeon is the best course of action.