“Cosmetic breast surgery.”
When you read that phrase, is the image in your mind that of a male or female body? For decades, cosmetic surgery—especially surgery to improve breast contours—has been associated mostly with women (and mostly with women seeking to increase their breast size).
However, perceptions are changing, and that’s a good thing, as this story about the rising popularity of male breast reduction I recently saw in the Washington Post reflects. It tells the story of David, a 32-year old man who underwent male breast reduction surgery after a lifetime of trying to hide his chest under baggy shirts. David, like many men in my practice and an estimated two-thirds of adult men in the U.S., suffered from gynecomastia.
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a condition of excess breast tissue development in men. This can present as a mixture of excess fat and/or glandular tissue and result in the appearance of puffy nipples, a soft or untoned chest, or female-like breasts in more severe cases. Certain prescription and recreational drugs may contribute to gynecomastia, but often there is no single identifiable cause.
Having conspicuous breasts as a man can have serious emotional ramifications. My patients who seek male breast reduction surgery in Las Vegas often come to me after enduring years of embarrassment about their “man boobs.”
Removing the stigma surrounding gynecomastia and male breast reduction
While there are various causes for gynecomastia, there is one effective solution: male breast reduction surgery to remove excess glandular tissue and fat and restore a more masculine chest appearance. With the help of a good diet and exercise program, results can be maintained.
Recently, however, from an increased awareness and education, as pointed out in this article, more men are realizing the rewards of treatment and how it can help them feel more confident about themselves.
The stigma surrounding male cosmetic surgery seems to be losing its grip, and the number of male breast reduction patients nationwide has increased steadily in recent years. Having over 10 years of experience working with male patients, I’ve been able to witness a couple of key changes that have occurred:
- Better results with a faster recovery. In the hands of a qualified, experienced cosmetic surgeon, techniques such as VASER® LipoSelection can be used to sculpt the chest through tiny incisions with minimal post-op pain and swelling. On average, my male breast reduction patients return to work within 3 to 5 days after surgery, and can be back in the gym in 4 weeks.
- Improved quality of life. To quote the Post article, men with gynecomastia are increasingly “tired of compromising on their lifestyle and denying themselves even the simplest pleasures of life, such as swimming and going shirtless outdoors.”
I’ve seen in my own male breast reduction patients the night-and-day difference the procedure can make in their self-confidence. When considering your options to treat gynecomastia—or improve any other aspect of your appearance—I invite you to explore your options for Las Vegas cosmetic surgery for men. When you are ready to meet with an experienced cosmetic surgeon, please contact my office. I offer complimentary, private consultations to all prospective patients at my practice.