
Breast augmentation is something you should only do for yourself, to feel more confident in your appearance and achieve a look that’s more “you.”

But just because it’s a personal decision does not mean you should exclude those closest to you from helping you through the process. Dr. Pancholi gets a lot of questions about who is “allowed” to have an opinion when it comes to getting breast implants. Ultimately, whom you choose to share in your experience is up to you.

Who Should I Bring to a Sizing Consult?

This will depend on your personality as well as your goals with breast augmentation. For many patients, having their sister, mom, or best friend along makes trying on breast implants more fun, and also more productive. Getting feedback from someone you trust can help you decide what shape, size and profile you want to be.

At the same time, many women prefer to keep the whole process as their own, spending time thoughtfully in front of the mirror and without the distraction of well-intended but unwanted opinions. If you do choose to come to your consultation and sizing session solo, we are still here to help you every step of the way. Our staff and patient coordinators will be happy to give you feedback, should you decide you want objective feedback. And of course, Dr. Pancholi will help you make sure you are choosing implants that are right for your body type.

“This is the third doctor I’ve done a consult with and I must say I was the most impressed with Dr. Pancholi, his staff and office. I plan to have my augmentation done there soon. They lead you to the size and style implant that you’ll be most happy with…they even had comfy robes and T-shirts to use during the exam/fitting. All the staff are super nice and I really enjoyed my visit.”
—Breast Augmentation Patient

Read more of Dr. Pancholi’s reviews

How do I know my surgeon is right about size?

The most important thing you can do to feel confident in your implant choice is to find a cosmetic surgeon whom you feel understands your goals, whose before and after pictures demonstrate an aesthetic style that you like, and who has an excellent reputation for safety and patient satisfaction.

Your surgeon should clearly explain why he believes a certain breast implant type, size or placement will benefit you most. If he believes your initial thoughts on implant shape and size are not safe or aesthetically optimal, he should help you arrive at more realistic expectations well before surgery.

Finally, keep in mind that your cosmetic surgeon cares as much about you loving your results as you do, and will do everything necessary to achieve your goals and protect your health and safety.

Learn what to look for in your breast augmentation surgeon

Should I get my partner’s input?

Again, this is a strictly personal decision. For some women, choosing breast implants is like shopping for a wedding dress—you want him to love your new look, but you don’t want him to see it before the big day. For others, having their significant other’s opinion is reassuring, and they choose to approach the breast augmentation process together.

Always remember, your breast enhancement is all about YOU. It is normal and healthy if part of what makes you excited about breast augmentation is how your new curves will wow your partner, but you need to be 100% sure you’re doing this for yourself. If you feel like you are being pressured into a certain implant size by your boyfriend, spouse, or anyone else, you should share your feelings with your surgeon, who will help you decide if you are better off waiting for surgery.

Ready to Get Started?

As a cosmetic breast surgery specialist, Dr. Pancholi has considerable expertise in breast augmentation & revision, and is known for his attention to detail when helping patients choose the right implants for their new look. During your consultation, he will discuss your goals with breast augmentation, answer questions you may have about the surgery & recovery, and guide you as you choose the implants you want. Please call our Las Vegas office today to schedule an appointment.


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