The tummy tuck procedure, which is one of the most commonly requested cosmetic procedures in the world, is capable of providing significant adjustment to the appearance of the belly button. Many people make use of this aspect of the surgery by adjusting the shape, size, symmetry or level of hooding on their belly button.
The generally accepted appearance of a belly button for a fit and toned stomach is one that is flat, slightly indented and with a very small flap of skin on the top, which may also be known as a hood. In a well-toned and healthy stomach, this flap of skin is pulled tightly across the belly button, enhancing its appeal. However, genetics and other factors may contribute to belly buttons that occur in a wide range of appearances.

The Tummy Tuck Procedure Improves Belly Button Shape, Size or Symmetry
As with other cosmetic procedures, such as face lifts, arm lifts, eyebrow lifts and liposuction, the tummy tuck must be properly balanced to give the best overall results. For a well-trained surgeon, this includes proper shaping and symmetry of the belly button itself.
Many tummy tucks that involve the removal of significant fat, skin or other tissue include the adjustment of the belly button position, making it higher or lower on the abdomen as needed. This may include the detachment of the belly button stalk from the abdominal wall, and reattachment as needed in the preferred area of the abdomen.
Proper shaping of the belly button and hood is a common topic of discussion for cosmetic surgery patients and those considering the procedure, as evidenced by the popular cosmetic surgery website Surgeons across the country have weighed in on all aspects of tummy tuck, and are often able to improve and reshape the belly button hood to provide an attractive and natural result.
Photo by Helga Weber on Flickr.