What do George Clooney, a good tailor, and an impressive shoe collection have in common? They’re all examples of what it takes to be a well-dressed man, according to Dr. Pancholi. And he should know. Dr. Pancholi was recently featured as one of the “City’s Best Dressed Gents” by Luxury Las Vegas Magazine.
Why should you care if your cosmetic surgeon has a refined sense of style? An eye for fashion reflects not only an appreciation for beauty, but also an understanding of balance and proportion. Maintaining a top-notch look also requires a sense of what is flattering to the individual. A cosmetic surgeon’s ability to assimilate all of these factors is key to creating results that enhance your appearance in a natural-looking way.
So what can you find in a Best Dressed Gent’s closet? While he’s always keeping his eye out for new designers and styles, here are a few of Dr. Pancholi’s favorites:
Versace. With styles that evoke a sense of classic precision, athleticism, and confidence, Versace is Dr. Pancholi’s go-to designer, particularly for shoes. Where to go: Crystals at CityCenter, 3720 S Las Vegas Blvd #124, Las Vegas, NV 89158
Armani Exchange. For more casual attire, Armani Exchange tops Dr. Pancholi’s list, offering comfortable yet refined choices. Where to go: Armani Exchange at Las Vegas Town Square, 6543 Las Vegas Blvd South, Las Vegas, NV 89109
Nieman Marcus. This is where Dr. Pancholi purchased his first tailored suit, and Nieman Marcus remains one of his mainstays for quality menswear and accessories from a variety of top designers. It’s also where he finds his favored Farragamo wallets. Where to go: Nieman Marcus, 3200 Las Vegas Boulevard South, Las Vegas, NV
If you want to learn more about Las Vegas’ Best Dressed Gents, read the full feature in Luxury Las Vegas, and find out Dr. Pancholi’s worst fashion faux pas ever!