
Slim Those Saddlebags With Liposuction

Is your exercise routine getting the results you want? or are there areas of your body that still won’t slim down?  These days, getting the body you want often requires more than just sweat; it requires some smart technology and a good surgeon.  For people in the Las Vegas area that need a little extra body slimming, Dr. Pancholi performs liposuction.

People who get liposuction aren’t necessarily overweight – many are actually in decent shape!  The problem is, a shift occurs at a certain age that affects weight fluctuations.  It doesn’t seem to matter if we run, use the elliptical, lift weights, or practice Yoga and Pilates, we still  show unrelenting dimples, bumps and bulging areas. They don’t go away! The saddlebags (big puffs on the outer thigh) often don’t respond to exercise or diet.

There are many new liposuction platforms out there, from laser assisted SmartLipo to Ultrasonic lipo, and others.  Tumescent Liposuction is still considered the gold standard, and many doctors still believe it is by far the gentlest, safest and least traumatic.  Some surgeons even use the suctioned fat to fill your wrinkles or augment your lips.

Ultimately, the most important liposuction tool is the surgeon, so choose a qualified practitioner.  Contact Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas for more information.


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