
Safe, affordable and highly customizable, saline breast implants remain a popular choice for beautiful breast augmentation results

Saline filled breast implants remain a popular choice for breast enhancement. They are composed of an outer elastic silicone rubber shell and filled with a sterile saline (saltwater) solution. The FDA regulations has labelled saline implants for patients 18 years and older.

Advantages of Saline Breast Implants

Saline breast implants offer a few important advantages to consider:

  • Customizable volume
  • Easy to tell if implant has ruptured (it will deflate)
  • No FDA recommended MRI’s
  • Filled with absorbable IV saline solution
  • Smaller incisions
  • Lower surgery cost
  • Lower maintenance costs

Disadvantages of Saline Breast Implants

  • Less compressibility compared to silicone implants
  • May feel firmer than silicone implants
  • Increased rippling compared to silicone implants
  • May feel “watery” in patients will little breast tissue covering

Saline breast implant placement

Several placement options are available for saline breast implants, including subglandular (over the muscle) and subpectoral (partially under the chest muscle). Dr. Pancholi will usually choose to place saline implants in a subpectoral position for a more natural result. The proper placement for each patient will vary depending on body type, breast characteristics, rib cage, implant size, and other considerations.

Filling saline breast implants

Saline breast implants come empty from the manufacturer. Through sizing, evaluation of your body’s anatomy, and consideration of the look you desire, Dr. Pancholi will determine the correct implant and fill volume for your implants to give you a result that most closely matches your choice at consultation. He will also take into consideration the manufacturer’s recommendations to maximize breast feel and appearance while minimizing wrinkling and the risk for implant deflation.

Why choose saline?

While new options continue to be developed, saline implants still offer a very aesthetically pleasing and safe breast enhancement option for many women.

Appearance-wise, you shouldn’t be able to tell the difference between saline and silicone—many people think they can guess correctly, but there is 50/50 chance of getting it right.In fact, if you have a friend who’s had breast augmentation, you probably would never be able to tell if she has saline or silicone implants unless she tells you.

The feel is where you might be able to tell a difference. The more breast tissue you have naturally (without implants), the less likely a person can feel the implant and the difference between a saline and silicone implant. The less breast tissue you have, the easier it is to feel the implant.

The same rationale applies to the concept of rippling/wrinkling of an implant shell. Although saline implants tend to ripple/wrinkle more than silicone, this is less noticeable for a person with more ample breast tissue. Those with little breast tissue may show rippling/wrinkling with any implant type (but less with silicone).

How much do saline breast implants cost?

The cost of breast augmentation with saline implants is generally lower than with silicone gel implants. Call us for more specific information on the price of breast augmentation at Cosmetic Surgery of Las Vegas or visit our specials page for current promotions.


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