
What will my recovery be like?

As with any type of surgery, healing from breast augmentation is a gradual process and everyone recovers at a different pace. Knowing what to expect can help you decide the best time to schedule your surgery and help you stay positive during the emotional ups and downs of the recovery process. You might even want to bookmark this page to refer to when you need reassurance about your own recovery.

Typically, patients will experience some pain and discomfort, which can be alleviated with the use of pain medication. The average person can expect to feel discomfort for about 4-5 days, but this is usually tolerable after the first day or so.

Video transcript

“One of the big questions is, how soon can I get back to work and doing everything that I want to do after a breast augmentation?

Think of breast augmentation like your first four to five days feeling like you hired a personal trainer, and all they did with you was push-ups. So your chest muscles just hurt. That’s your first four to five days. After that, it all depends on you. How big of an implant did you pick? If you picked a large implant and you stretched your muscle out a lot, it’s going to be a bit more sore. If your muscles are weak, this is the first time that’s in your benefit because your muscles will stretch out quickly, and it’ll stop hurting. But if, on the other hand, you have super strong muscles, they’re not going to stretch as easily, and it’s going to hurt a little bit longer.

After we get past these first 5 days or so, everyone varies little by little. We’re really worrying about whether your implants will drop to where they need to be. Once they drop, then you can start getting back into more and more activity because we know you won’t contract your chest muscles. Everything will fall where it needs to be, and now you can do what you want.”–Dr. Samir Pancholi

Your follow up care

Dr. Pancholi and his staff are committed to your well-being and care. He will see you the day after surgery, 1 week after surgery, and then 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery. He is always willing to ease your concerns and answer any questions that may arise. You are encouraged to call Dr. Pancholi directly at any time during your recovery.

How long do I have to take pain meds?

If you have a higher pain tolerance, as women tend to, you will probably be able to switch to Tylenol after 2 or 3 days. However, it is common for some patients to take up to 10 days to feel good. You can start driving again as soon as you are off your pain medicine.

When can I go back to work?

Most breast augmentation patients can return to a desk job as soon as a week after surgery. This is assuming you are no longer taking prescription pain meds. If you have a more active job, you’re looking at 2-4 weeks away from work, depending on the nature of your work. Dr. Pancholi will tell you what you need to know. Our office staff can help you with any documentation or paperwork you need for your time off as well.

Can I take a shower after surgery?

You will not be allowed to shower the first 24 hours or so after surgery. Dr. Pancholi will see you the day after surgery to check on your healing progress, and after that you should be able to shower. Don’t be afraid to ask for help getting in and out of the shower, and for assistance getting dressed, particularly if you have transaxillary incisions (under the armpits).

You will not be allowed to take a bath, because you must not submerge your incisions in water (doing so can increase your risk of infection and weaken your surgical tape). Also, if your incisions are under your armpits, you’ll have to avoid shaving or using deodorant in this area for up to 2 weeks (sorry).

When can I start exercise again?

This depends on the type of exercise. You will be encouraged to walk around frequently, but at a leisurely pace, as soon as the day after surgery. After 3-4 weeks, with Dr. Pancholi’s okay, you should be able to ease back into aerobic activities and lower body strength exercises, though you will have to wait up to 6 weeks to run, ride horses, swim, or do chest exercises such as push-ups.

After 6 weeks, most activities are allowed, but remember that each patient heals a little differently. It’s important to listen to your body and to Dr. Pancholi’s recommendations.

What you can do to minimize scars

Every surgery leaves scars, but luckily breast augmentation scars are usually small and easily hidden by your body or under a bikini top. Most patients actually forget about their scars months after surgery. But you’ve got to take care of them. Here’s how:

  • Leave surgical tape in place. Doing so will help your scars heal flat and smooth. If it starts to peel, carefully trim off the edges.
  • Stay out of the sun and say NO to tanning beds. UV exposure can cause scars to darken.
  • When Dr. Pancholi tells you it’s safe, use scar-minimizing products. He will help you choose a quality product

Learn more or contact us today

Whether you are just beginning your research or have already picked out your breast implants, we encourage you to call us to discuss your options for breast augmentation at a consultation. Ready for more great information on breast augmentation in Las Vegas? Continue reading…


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