
Breast Implant Size Change

I wish I would’ve gone larger the first time….

This is one of the most common things we hear from patients who have already breast implants but would like a size change. On rare occasions, it’s the opposite, where someone feels uncomfortable from going too big.

If you’re in this group, you can change your implant size with a revision surgery. But, it’s not always a simple matter of exchanging implants. Regardless of which direction your size change goes, you need to consider the pros and cons of revision surgery, so you can make sure you get exactly what you want with your results.

Going Larger

If you want to go larger, it can be helpful to think about what aspects of your look you want to change rather than simply opting for implants with greater volume:

  • Do you wish you had more cleavage? Often times moving to a higher profile implant will help create more cleavage, projection, and upper breast fullness.
  • Do you feel that your breast shape doesn’t flatter your body the way you like? Quite possibly, changing the width of your implants can help to accentuate your shoulders, waist, and hips.

When you choose to further increase your breast size with revision surgery, remember that just like with your initial breast augmentation, you need to stay within a size range that is safe for your frame.

Going Smaller

If you want to move to smaller implants you have  a few different options. If you want a dramatic decrease in size, you may need to have a breast lift or reduction to take care of any skin or breast tissue that has stretched out while having the larger implants. If you had your implants for a short period of time, your body will often shrink down to accommodate the new smaller implant.

Likewise, if you just want to move down one or two implant sizes, the skin will often shrink down. How well your skin will shrink down to the new size will depend on the quality of your skin. Stretch marks are an indication that your skin is unlikely to shrink very well, making a breast lift more likely if you reduce your implant size significantly.

Choosing to Accept Your Current Size

If you find yourself wanting a size change only a couple months after your breast augmentation, it may be best to wait, perhaps even a year or more, before undergoing a size change. The fact that your new breast size will still be settling in for up to 6 months after surgery, combined with the normal emotional effects of recovery, can result in temporary feelings that you made the wrong decision about implant size when in fact you are still getting used to your new body shape as your implants settle in.

Be patient, and if you have any concerns during this period, call Dr. Pancholi or his staff. We will be happy to listen to your concerns and set up time with you to discuss them as see fit.

Whether you are thinking about sizing up or down, Dr. Pancholi will review your options for the changes you desire and help you determine the best way to move forward. Your body’s limitations, as well as your lifestyle, are essential factors in your decision. Choosing the right size is important and together, you and Dr. Pancholi will decide what is best for you.

If you are ready to discuss a size change, we encourage you to call us for a consultation with Dr. Pancholi at our Las Vegas office. His in-depth knowledge and experience in breast augmentation and revision give him a unique perspective on the topic of implant size change.


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