The most popular cosmetic treatment in the world, Botox Cosmetic, is now believed to treat depression as well. Research shows that this effect may occur regardless of the treatment of facial lines and wrinkles.
A recent USA Today article details several research breakthroughs that point to an emotional benefit of Botox Cosmetic injections for many patients. In addition to the self-confidence boost which is expected by many Botox patients, evidence suggests that there may be a chemical or medical reason for the improved mood apart from the visible effects of the treatment.
Botox Users Report Improved Attitude, Reduced Depression
Psychiatrist Alex Wollmer believes that the effect may have multiple levels. “If you ask the aesthetic dermatologists, they can tell you that there must be something about this Botox that goes beyond the mere aesthetic benefits,” he says. “There must be some kind of feel-good factor that makes people come back.”
His research, which was published last year, showed that even patients who are unaware that they are receiving Botox injections receive these benefits. The experiment had a group of people who received shots with no Botox, and another that received Botox injections, though neither group knew what they were receiving. Those that got Botox had markedly improved depression symptoms, with more positive overall attitudes.
The self-confidence and attitude improvement capabilities of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures and their effects has long been documented, though these effects are more varied for individual patients. Those procedures that have the most dramatic affect on appearance often have an equal impact on a patient’s psyche. Some of these procedures include highly visible facial procedures such as facial fillers or face lifts. Other procedures that target areas of personal importance include liposuction, body contouring procedures and skin procedures.
Photo by Vincent Boiteau on Flickr.