A Brazilian model who underwent breast augmentation to get the largest breasts in the world is now experiencing complications after more than 30 surgical procedures. The latest reports say that Hershey is experiencing a staph infection in her breasts, which could be life threatening if it reaches the bloodstream.
How common is this type of complication? According to Tulsa surgeon and President Elect of the AACS Dr. Angelo Cuzalina, such an infection is rare but often problematic.
Any infection in a breast implant is unwanted by both patient and surgeon. They are fortunately very rare (just less than 3 in 1000 patients), but a breast implant infection is difficult to deal with when they do occur and almost always require implant removal. Having massive implants just complicates the problem further due to the excess skin after removal.
Certain infections such as methocillin resistant staph (MRSA) are becoming more common in today’s society and require more aggressive treatment. Patients should let their surgeon know if redness or unusual pain occurs along with fever combined with a general feeling of extreme malaise during the first few weeks following breast augmentation.
Michael J. Will M.D., a cosmetic surgeon near Washington DC and president of the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, also commented on the situation:
Breast augmentation procedures should be preceded by a comprehensive consultation between the cosmetic surgeon and the patient, where the patient’s concerns and expectations are discussed in relation to the patient’s breast and chest wall anatomy.
An effective evaluation and treatment plan should result in a post-operative outcome that reaches a balance between the patient’s expectations and the surgeon’s surgical and anatomical limitations to yield an esthetic and healthy outcome. When the surgical tissue tension and stress exceed the capacity for normal healing, wound breakdown and infection often develop. However, infection related to breast augmentation is rare, and when encountered, the implants frequently need to be removed and replaced at a later date.
“Sheyla takes her craft seriously,” says the model’s official website. After undergoing multiple surgical procedures on her breasts, lips and buttocks, she seems very comfortable going under the knife and talking about it publicly.
But in an interview with Fox News, she expresses regret for choosing extremely large breast implants and suggests that if she could start over again, she would. As she demonstrates her daily routine on video, it’s clear that she’s a very dedicated and strong-willed woman.
Fox News has a series of video interviews with Sheyla Hershey and you can read regular updates about her status on her website, sheylahershey.net