Do designer jeans let you down because, no matter how good the cut, you don’t see the curves you want? You’ve probably heard about buttocks enhancing procedures (and read gossip about which stars are rumored to have had them). This type of procedure isn’t just for celebs: we can make cosmetic improvements to the buttocks that look and feel very natural—and give you a shape that beautifully fills out a pair of jeans or heats up a pencil skirt.
Creating a tush that’s worth a second look is done through a combination of procedures popularly known as a Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL). It begins with liposuction: the contour of the buttock and lower back is refined and sculpted. Then the patient’s own harvested fat is transferred into the buttocks to make it larger—it’s the best of both worlds, because it removes unwanted fat from one area and places it in another where volume is needed. The results can be dramatic, creating lovely, lifted buttocks.
So what can be better than that, you might wonder? Well, I have incorporated the VASER LipoSelection system of ultrasonic liposuction into the buttocks enhancement procedures I perform. I feel that this system offers many benefits for my patients, because it is tissue selective, meaning it targets only fat cells while protecting the other tissues in the treatment area. This means less bruising, reduced soreness, and shorter recovery times. VASER LipoSelection is a powerful yet gentle tool that allows for precise body sculpting; an added plus is that the heat produced from this technology is thought to help shrink the skin and provide better tone. This means your buttocks will look fantastic in a bikini and your skinny jeans!
With less recovery time after the procedure, my BBL patients are able to enjoy the results from buttocks shaping sooner. They also feel more confident undergoing buttocks shaping without implants, because their own fat is used for enhancement rather than a synthetic substance.
If you think natural-looking buttocks enhancement will give your body better proportion, please contact my office for a consultation. I will be happy to discuss my better Brazilian Butt Lift with you!