
8 Great Websites to Research Your Procedure

Our website provides excellent information for anyone considering cosmetic surgery in Las Vegas. Nonetheless, it is wise to do your own independent research. You will feel more confident in your decision, and you’ll know the right questions to ask Dr. Pancholi if you decide to schedule a consultation.

Tip: The resource that is best for you will probably depend on your communication style. If you enjoy an objective and comprehensive source, then start with journals or society sites. If you want patient stories and informal discussion, try a forum.

Here are 8 great websites to start researching your cosmetic procedure:

1. Medscape by Web MD

Medscape has compiled hundreds of clinical articles pertaining to cosmetic surgery, reconstructive surgery and dermatology. While most resources of this caliber require payment or subscription, Medscape is open access. The writing can be difficult to digest at times, but in return you get more detailed information.


Realself is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery forums on the web, if not the most popular. You can browse a seemingly endless number of questions, reviews and photos. What sets realself apart is the transparency of the doctors who answer your questions.

3. Cosmetic Surgery Times

Although written for physicians and industry types, Cosmetic Surgery Times offers cutting-edge content on the latest procedures. If you like to stay on top of trends and new technology, it’s worth a read.

4. New You Magazine

New You is a newcomer on the scene, so expect to see more content coming to their website and more copies of the magazine in your cosmetic surgeon’s office. The site contains some good patient stories, Q&A and online access to the latest articles. Check out the summer 2011 stories.

5. Make Me Heal Forums

Make Me Heal has very active forums where patients discuss the pros and cons of their cosmetic procedure, helping others plan their own. Beware: forums can be addicting, so don’t be too surprised if you end up browsing the site for several hours.

6. Just Breast Implants Forum

If you’re looking for personal stories about breast augmentation, this is the site to browse. Women share the finer details of their breast augmentation, so women planning their own procedure know what to expect.

7. Medline Plus

Medline offers a directory of trustworthy resources about cosmetic plastic surgery. It’s described as the “National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends.” The layout isn’t flashy, but the resources listed on Medline are well curated and very educational.


The American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery is a society of with members in many different surgical specialties. Their website has excellent descriptions of procedures and a physician locator to find a cosmetic surgeon in your area.

Keep in mind: the web is always changing. These sites will inevitably improve or decline in quality after the time of this writing, and more valuable resources may come online in the near future.

Also remember that none of the sites listed here are a substitute for a surgeon’s expert opinion.


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