Category: Breast Aesthetics

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A little over two months remain for patients to take advantage of the increased warranty coverage being offered by silicone breast implant manufacturers.  Until the end of the year, breast augmentations with silicone gel implants can qualify for $3500 of warranty coverage that can cover revision surgery if a rupture occurs, lasting up to ten… Continue Reading »

Based on patient input, researchers have formulated a “conceptual framework” that defines successful breast surgery, in a general sense.  6 factors can influence patient satisfaction and quality-of-life improvements in cosmetic surgery of the breast: 1. Aesthetic improvement – this is obviously, by definition, the main goal of cosmetic breast surgery.  participants of the study commented… Continue Reading »

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Before and after breast augmentation, women often share concerns about whether breast implants will affect their ability to breast feed.  Another common concern is for the safety of the child; will the presence of a synthetic implant affect the breast milk in some way? First of all, it is possible that breast implants will disrupt… Continue Reading »

Why do breast augmentation costs seem to vary so much?  Here in Las Vegas I’ve seen quotes ranging from under $3000, to over $7000.  Is one doctor that much better than the other? Are they doing or using something special?  When I take a closer look, the differences really aren’t there.  So why the big… Continue Reading »

Breast implants may cause a change in nipple sensation in some cases. Expect to have a temporary change as nerves will be stretched by the implant and swelling from the surgery won’t allow the nerves to send signals properly for about 3-4 months. As the swelling goes down and the nerves get used to their… Continue Reading »

There are different levels of capsular contraction and it doesn’t always occur to both breasts. Essentially what is occurring is the normal scar tissue that surrounds the breast implant is contracting tighter and tighter around the implant. As this occurs, typically, people first notice the implant seems a little firmer. As the contraction progresses, the… Continue Reading »

The best thing you can do before getting breast implants is get to know your procedures. Read about breast implants and surgery: A great source for information about breast implants is the FDA website.  Their site explains breast implants, the surgery, and the studies performed on both saline and silicone implants.  The information is presented… Continue Reading »

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The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery recently has revealed statistics indicating that for the first time, the popularity of breast implant procedures has outdone that of liposuction. ASPS reports reveal that 355,671 breast augmentation procedures were performed in 2008, compared to 341,144 liposuction procedures. In a recently issued press release, President Alan Gold, MD… Continue Reading »

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